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Bad Guy Blitz

Bad Guy Blitz

by: Teen Titans Go!

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Teen Titans Go: Bad Guy Blitz


On our website,, you may play Teen Titans Battle Blitz online without charge in most current browsers.

The Bad Guy Blitz is coming, can you survive? As usual, you’re here to stand up for the heroes in defending the city as several Teen Titans villains are out to strike it in this unique action game featuring the battling, skill, and overall enjoyment like only this place is available!

Cartoon Network has released the 2D, action-packed fighting game Teen Titans Battle Blitz online. In the grand conflict of good vs evil, five young superheroes—Robin, Raven, Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy—against five evil foes—Jinx, Gizmo, Mammoth, Cinderblock, and Plasmus. What route are you going to take?

The game offers three distinct degrees of difficulty: Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert. Selecting your chosen Hero or Villain character to battle the other player is a must before the game can begin.

How to play Bad guy Blitz!

The first hero you assist in combat is Robin, who has to fight the man who has cloned himself and is dressed entirely in pink.  It would help if you defeated the entire wave of monsters that are heading your way by using the mouse to swipe in the direction you wish to attack.

Because you failed to defend the tower, you will lose if you let too many opponents pass you. After completing that task, you open a new level with a new location where a new team member requires your assistance to deal with their bad guy, until all have been vanquished and you’ve amassed a significant victory.

These are the game’s basic guidelines and ideas, so let’s get started right away. Stay around for more since it can only happen here!

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