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Looney Tunes Recess

Looney Tunes Recess

by: Looney Tunes

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Looney Tunes Recess


Looney Tunes Recess is a fun game to play while you unwind. You may unwind in the company of some of the funniest cartoon characters you’ve ever encountered if you’re feeling stressed. You can find some oddball characters in the playground, like Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, Tweety, and more. Laughter-inducing games will be played with you throughout this session, so join them!

What is your favorite of the five attractions? They are all simple to play and only require a few clicks. Furthermore, they each only take 45 seconds. Make careful to test one by one! You should get a 3-star rating for each one of them because they are all incredibly addicting. You must be prepared to begin.

How to play Looney Tunes

Joining the most well-known yellow bird in the world is a good place to start. Are you able to rope-skip? Utilize your reactions to aid Tweety in winning this task! When the rope swings in front of her, all you have to do is click at that precise instant. While it can seem easy, getting a good grade will be challenging. Try to maintain the rhythm as much as you can because every error results in a score penalty.

Are you up for a game of dodgeball? Due to his speed, Elmer will be a difficult opponent. Projectile should be directed at him using the slingshot. Easy as clicking, dragging, and releasing! The three major courses for Elmer, nevertheless, should be kept in mind. To strike the target every time, make the necessary adjustments to your aim.

Beat Daffy in a tried-and-true game to outsmart him! When was the last time you and your coworker played tic tac toe? You may now compete with a formidable foe. The game will be started by each of you in turn. Make a row of three symbols initially; that’s the only thing you need to do. Daffy is a cunning gamer, so be cautious!

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