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Magic Jigsaw Puzzle

Magic Jigsaw Puzzle

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Magic Jigsaw Puzzle


The Magic Jigsaw Puzzle is the perfect game if you enjoy solving puzzles. Use your problem-solving abilities to make a great image.

You can continue to play till you master jigsaw puzzles! Before you begin moving the pieces, plan your approach to solving the puzzle and choose whether you want to take the simple or challenging route. May everything fall into place for you!

Avoid becoming anxious when you notice the timer. It’s there just so you can gauge how quickly you can assemble things.

It’s time to make a distinctive puzzle if you’ve finally figured out the image. By adding a photo of your own, you may customize the game. A photo of your pet could be a good idea. Alternatively, why not pick a picture of yourself and see how it would appear when it were cut up into pieces?

With your own puzzles, improve your problem-solving abilities while having fun!

How to play Magic Jigsaw Puzzle

Everything about this game is really simple. There is a blank panel with 12 puzzle pieces stacked together at random inside of it. You must click and drag them with your mouse till you see a picture! When they are roller skating, Barbie and her friends are finally captured on camera.

We advise you to take care of the corner pieces before you do anything. The simplest to locate and arrange in their proper location since they have two straight edges.

Don’t worry if you’re not particularly skilled at this pastime. One feature has the potential to simplify the game. Use the final image preview, which disappears behind the puzzle pieces. When you can link two pieces together, a larger portion results. You can shift anything around more easily as a result.

Although the picture is initially broken up into 6 pieces, you may decide how many you wish to put together! There are six, twelve, and twenty-four in all. To choose such a high number now, you ought to be a wonder!

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