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The Principals

The Principals

by: The Amazing World of Gumball

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The Amazing World of Gumball: The Principals


At Elmore Jr. High in the game of The Principals, all of the secrets are out! Principal Brown’s fraudulent diploma was discovered by Gumball and Darwin! The two brothers decided to make use of this information because it gave them such confidence! They finally forced Nigel to admit to his wrongdoings! He went on to quit so he could receive a legitimate diploma!

Your two buddies stepped forward to become the principals as a result! You must now assist the Watterson boys in choosing wisely throughout the game. As they must always be aware of the circumstance, it won’t be simple. Things become more challenging as the days pass, therefore you must always be there for them!

You’ll occasionally have to tackle a more challenging narrative! This takes up more time than a school day and has more issues! You will receive stickers if you can solve every one of them. These are added to the Year Book, which is accessible from the Main Menu.

There are occasionally mini-games that pop up on the screen! Finish them to receive rewards and power-ups!

In this game, Elmore Jr. High is going through some amusing changes! Gumball and Darwin need your help to maintain the satisfaction of the students and instructors, therefore you must join them!

How to play The Principals

In this game, you must assist your pals in making choices that will benefit the school. To select an answer, simply click on each character! But bear in mind a few specifics! He tends to be more careless when it comes to Gumball! You must thus use caution while clicking on him. But compared to his brother, Darwin appears more insane! If you want to find a medium ground, pick him!

On the left side of the screen, there are four meters as well. These will rise or fall depending on which sibling you pick from the two!

How confident each character is in themselves is shown by the confidence meter. How well-liked they are among their peers is portrayed by the students’ meter! Check the teacher’s meter to see how much longer Gumball and Darwin will be tolerated by the faculty! Last but not least, check out the Money meter to examine the school’s budget! The game is ended when one of the meters is completely empty.

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