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Miniature Basketball

Miniature Basketball

by: Looney Tunes

  • 2.8K
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Looney Tunes: Miniature Basketball


In the game of miniature basketball, shoot some hoops and score some points. Being such a rambunctious group, Bugs Bunny, Taz, and Wile E. Coyote are unable to settle down. The Looney Tunes pals invite you to come to play a fun and unique game of basketball with them this time. Will you come and help them gain some points?

The fact that the ball will encounter several challenges before settling in the basket distinguishes this sport from others. Aim at the ideal angle, take the shot, and pass the ball to the next character are your objectives. Once all three of your buddies have successfully thrown their balls, the level is over! Are you good enough to make the team?

How to play Miniature Basketball

You can merely use your keyboard to shoot the ball because this isn’t your typical basketball game. When you are in the green portion of the meter, look at the meter and hit them to shoot. That seems simple, doesn’t it?

The objective is to distribute the ball to each participant. The ball will eventually reach Taz if you send it from Bugs Bunny’s field through the pipes to the Coyote. Do not lose the basketball while attempting to get the proper angle. Your buddies are counting on you!

Each level will get harder as you advance through the game. When you reach the second level, you’ll see that some objects are falling from the sky. The barriers should be avoided at all costs; else, your ball will run into them and crash to the floor.

Your total number of lives will be five when the challenge first starts. You should make good use of them since every error will cost you one of them. Try to concentrate for the sake of your team since a competent team player doesn’t make mistakes.

You have the support of Taz, Bugs Bunny, and Wile E. Coyote. Join the Looney Tunes characters and play basketball with them as a team! How much longer can you stay up?

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