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Smashy Pinata

Smashy Pinata

by: Teen Titans Go!

  • 2.8K
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Teen Titans Go: Smashy Pinata


In the Smashy Pinata game, transform into a monkey to assist Beast Boy in collecting plenty of sweets. The Teen Titans Go comic book character with the best sense of humor appears to be enjoying himself while scaling the walls. To obtain as many candies out of the piñata as possible, he is striking it. Do you want to help your friend?

Your objective in this tap-based arcade game is to keep hitting the piñata by touching or clicking on the screen. You’ll need to plan your activities carefully and move quickly to accomplish that. Maintain your concentration since you might require some talents to earn enough sweets! Possessing the necessary skills to succeed in this situation, though?

How to play Smashy Pinata

This will be a fairly straightforward task for you. As you ascend to the top of the walls, you must continuously strike your desired item using the or your mouse. As Beast Boy jumps from one side to the other, support him in keeping the piñata in the air as long as you can.

More points will be awarded to you when the piñata rises higher. Due to the fact that you will constantly receive some money based on how well you do, you will need to play the game more than once. In the future, you may spend them to purchase some special goods or even switch out the main hero!

To acquire a potent score multiplier, unlock different sorts of candies. The hero you choose to play with may be comfier if you chose to use your coins to switch them. Everybody jumps differently, after all. If you have 1000 coins, you can think about buying Cyborg with them since he will hold the piñata in the air for a little while if you drop it.

Beast Boy needs your help in collecting as many sweets as he can! To assist your pal in achieving his objective, hit the piñata and shoot for a high score!

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